How I went from No followers to 23,000 Followers #LA Style

Now that I got your attention with some social media numbers, I am here to tell you it’s not about the numbers.  Sure we all want more followers on our social media sites but wouldn’t you rather have a Casting Director you never met before, recognize you at an event and say “you’re that actress who posts such cool stuff on twitter.”   I would.  It’s quality over quantity then.  Relationships come first!
So how did I get more followers on Twitter and ultimately fall in love with it?  Quick answer, by tweeting more!  But not just tweeting randomly about myself, but adding value to others in my tweets.  I think this is the golden rule of life:  Do good to others!  

Just like you would send a congratulations card in the mail to a Casting Director who got their TV series renewed or a birthday card in the mail…Now we can use Social Media to send out a birthday shout out or a congrats tweet and we can mention them (@) and hashtag (#) all involved.  You can ultimately reach more people in less time and for no cost.
New to Twitter or Instagram?  

No worries.  It’s never too late to start and begin reaching out to the people you love and want to work with.  I am using my own twitter feed to show you some easy examples.  My biggest advice for you, if you want to be successful, it can’t be all about the sell.  Meaning it can’t be all about yourself.  (the actor,actress, producer, singer, star)  Etc.

This first example is a tweet I sent out about Gina Rodriguez, star of the TV series Jane the Virgin.    

After meeting her in person a few times at Television Academy events and working with her on set of Jane the Virgin, I wanted to add value to her and show her and all my followers how much she means to me so I posted this tweet.  Lucky for me, she Retweeted it which is why it reached so many more people,  564 Likes and 103 Retweets, wow!  But the even bigger win to me is that SHE saw it and liked it and Retweeted it.  #Winning

The next two examples are people I have never met but wanted to show some love to.  I wished happy birthday using twitter to Betty White and Jim Carrey.  Does this take some research and planning?  Yes but if you have a target list of people you admire and follow on Instagram and Twitter, it’s easy.  But I have no time Christina?  I get it.  That’s why I am here to tell you another secret. 

Schedule your tweets in advance.  You can use or and schedule all the February birthday tweets on one Saturday you are home and available and then they automatically go out on the scheduled date and time you select. #Magic

But I am not on Twitter Christina?  Okay, well first, off, I love it and recommend it, but you can also add value on Facebook.  (Please tell me you are on FB).  I recently sent a happy birthday post on a Casting Directors wall and got a like and a “Thank you Christina.”  That always feels great!
You can also use your social media to say “Thank you.”  I am a big believer in the power of gratitude and I write in my gratitude journal every morning, perhaps you can share your gratitude by using your social media platforms.  Maybe you booked a role in a TV show…Congrats! 
But instead of just posting, “I booked #JanetheVirgin
Perhaps you post “So grateful I booked #JanetheVirgin thanks to my team #teamworksmakesthedreamwork (@youragent @yourmanager) with a pic of you on set #grateful
include in your posts, your agents and/or Casting Directors you want to thank for getting you in that audition room.  And, I do believe in the power of pictures!
So to recap my top secrets to social medias success:

1.       Make a list of your target casting directors, directors, producers and actors you want to work with and find them and follow them on social media.
2.       Research to find out their birthdays and special events, maybe a Google search on them to keep up to date and then use your social media to send announcements, adding value to them by Retweeting or Quote something they said.
3.       Schedule your tweets using Hootsuite or Buffer
4.       Use your social media to give thanks and show gratitude.
5.       Use pictures on twitter, hashtags # and Mentions @ you will reach more people.

Thanks for reading this and I hope this inspired you!
Found this helpful, tweet me on twitter at @christinaderosa or there are plenty of other social media ways to find me….


  1. Wow! It`s great afford given by you to increase your twitter follower. I really like it and will also try it in near future. You can also Buy twitter followers from different companies at best price.

  2. I've heard buying twitter followers is dangerous, as they're not real actual people following you, is that true? It also somehow doesn't feel "earned", but maybe I'm an idealist...

  3. That is a great point I failed to make, thank you for bringing it up! Getting around to other blogs, comments and making friends is also a great way to grow your readership. twitter followers
