What's Your Word for 2019? #LASTYLE

Happy New Year Friends!

I am dancing my way into 2019 with RADIANCE, Ready to Live my Best Life.

But Wait.....

How Do I Do That?

First, it's time to get QUIET And REFLECT

Every Year I take the time to sit and reflect and answer very specific questions.  I usually take the time between Christmas and the New Year to have some me time to reflect.  It's often not the kind of thing I can get done in one hour and takes me a few days and nights to sleep on it.  I make the time for this because I truly believe you can not build on success you don't acknowledge so I set the time and sit down with a candle or cup of hot tea and look at the entire year.  I write down what accomplishments I have experienced, what wins, successes, personally and professionally went well and why they went well.  I do this month by month.

For example:


I look at how many castings I had, commercially and theatrically as an actress and from which agents or managers they came from
I look at how many times I got a facial or massage or took time for self care, me time!
I look at how many times per month I volunteered, because that brings me JOY!
I look at what relationships I built in that month personally and professionally and How
I look at how many classes I took, professionally and personally (acting classes and others)
I look at my workout schedule
I look at my spiritual schedule (for me I chant every day, so I look at how long I chanted daily)
I look at how much money I brought in and from which sources
I look at the vacations or trips I took
I look at the red carpets I attended
I look at the Bookings and the Air Dates of TV shows and movie premiers I was apart of
I look at the Gifting Suites I attended
I look at the Photo shoots I was apart of
I look at my Social Media Numbers and how they evolved
I look at the Meetings I had with people I wanted to get closer to
I look at the amount of money I raised for charity
I look at the fun, the vacations, the birthday parties

So, basically, I look at EVERYTHING.  This look could be very different for you, depending on what your WINS are.

I then look for patterns, beliefs that guided me during the year, any themes that stick out.

For example.  2018 was a great RELATIONSHIP year for me.  I built new relationships and evolved relationships with people I really wanted to get closer to.

I then write down what I am most proud of, and luckily that list is long and can often include for me, bookings and relationship building or meetings that lead to contracts being signed.

I then write down achievements that occurred both professionally and personally.  Personally for me, I was very proud of the vacations I took outside the country with my love and the money I invested in my ROTH IRA.

I look for certain values or repeated lessons that pop up consistently.

For me, I always feel best when I am adding value and being of service and that can be in my acting career or on the streets, feeding the homeless, or simply sharing with a friend information, like now!


I look back throughout the year and write down what didn't work as well as I had hoped.  The challenges, month by month.


For me, I wrote down, 
Not all my Callbacks and Avails went on to become bookings
I was rejected at ABRAMS for commercial representation, etc etc.

With compassion I then consider the unrealized expectations, unexpected circumstances, or interruptions, challenges, upsets or losses.

Getting complete is a decision.  What action can you then take to tie up any loose ends?

I made some new decisions for 2019, that felt great.  Letting go of people, places and things that did not serve me.  I took this time to also go through my closest and donate clothes I haven't worn.  (Hard too, because as an actress, we feel like we need to keep a certain item just in case we get a casting for a nurse, a scientist, etc)

I then PAT myself on the back and celebrate it all.  For me, I took a yoga class and dedicated it to celebrating the successes I enjoyed and the challenges I moved through.


Then I write down, what I am looking forward to in 2019.
I have a few TV Shows airing in 2019 that I am looking forward to.  I booked a series regular in 2018 that will air all 8 episodes in 2019, so I am very excited for that.  

I also have a few contracts that will be signed in 2019 for producing projects and I am thrilled for that.  I am looking forward to vacations again to places I have never been and of course the unexpected good news I know is coming!

If 2019 could knock your socks off, what would YOU accomplish?

I then write 3 specific goals I would like to accomplish for 2019.  2 professional and 1 personal.

I write down what changes I hope for in 2019 and how I am going to do that

I write down the people I believe can help me succeed at these changes

I write down what resources I am bringing with me from 2018 and new habits I am bringing in for 2019.

My favorite part is writing the 10 people I want to build a stronger connection to.  Some of these people I know and some I don't know.  I then print that list and put it somewhere that I can see it every single day of the year.

I write down how I would like to experience 2019, what color or taste or texture or smell, sound does it have.  If 2019 had a theme song, shat would it be?

Then the WORD.  I come up with one word of how I want to experience 2019.  In 2018 my word was WINNING

 I wrote it on my vision board with beautiful gold writing.  I take a few days to explore how different words make me feel and I say it and share it till I narrow it down from four words to two and then to ONE WORD!

What will be your word of 2019? 

PLEASE SHARE in the COMMENT below and on social media with me.  

Twitter www.twitter.com/christinaderosa
Instagram www.instagram.com/actresschristinaderosa 

Love to hear your word of 2019


Christina DeRosa


  1. Love it! I chose a song for 2019: "Wild Women Do" by Natalie Cole ;-)

    1. YES! You go Wild Woman, you! I am going with a QUEEN SONG For 2019! "We are the champions, my friend...."
